How Singaporeans Can Stay Away from a Toothless Tomorrow

happy woman giving thumbs-up

Dental problems are still rampant in Singapore despite being one of the most developed countries in its category and steadily continuing its rise from a formerly developing country into a wealthy tourist haven worth following in practice. With its progress, you can find a reputable dentist at Orchard Road as easily as you can seek out one of its al fresco bars and shopping hubs. Even with that, almost half of Singaporeans have bad dental habits and less-than-stellar oral hygiene.

So what major dental issues are Singaporeans at high risk for, and how can they prevent it? Here are the top three offenders to watch out for.

  • Preventing Tooth Loss for Older People

Around one in three elderly individuals in Singapore are toothless. Yes, completely toothless. It’s been noted that this is at a considerably higher degree than other developed countries and calls for the need for more consistent dental check-ups and cleaning throughout the years. Wear and tear degrades our teeth as we age, and this is throttled forward by poor habits. The best way to prevent a smile that is all gums and some pain is to ensure that dental care is not put to the back burner even as a person enters their twilight years. Regular checks should be done to ensure that everything is still in order and that underlying or developing issues can be addressed as soon as possible.

  • Combating Rotten Teeth in the Younger Generation

young boy brushing his teeth

For younger citizens, the biggest problem is tooth decay. Despite recent efforts and advancements, it is alarmingly so that more than half of Singapore’s youth suffers from rotten teeth by the time they enter primary school. Around one in two kids has at least one tooth falling victim to caries in this age group, which is often caused by the food they eat combined with lacking tooth care habits that lead to problems left untreated.

To combat this, parents should instill better habits from youth and ensuring that dental visits are a regular occurrence that isn’t made scary or unnecessary. In terms of eating, dentists urge the management of consuming foods high in starch and sugar.

  • The Battle Against Gum Disease in a Diabetic Nation

A problem that has plagued Singaporeans, both young and old, is diabetes, and the country’s population is seeing higher rates of this in varied aged groups than others. Often, a side effect of diabetes that has been cropping up in local patients is gum disease. That has been seen to hit even those who are relatively younger and regularly brush their teeth.

For this particular problem, the solution seems to lie in targeting the main root: diabetes. With more awareness on preventing its development, people can steer clear of lifestyle choices that put one at risk for it like poor physical fitness and high intake of processed meats and sugars.

As long as people are more aware of these rampant issues that can be prevented, they can look forward to bright smiles for years to come.

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